Is Waiting 1.5 Centuries For Social Housing Good For UK Business?

beautiful summertime fields in rural Britain
British rural scenery photo by llee_wu is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
For some, there is no view as lovely as British rural scenery — but not for those with no affordable housing in sight.

Business-friendly governments in both the United Kingdom and America cling stubbornly to the notion that mixed income housing developments can build enough truly affordable housing to ease national housing affordable crises.

Statistics don’t just suggest otherwise, they damn such thinking as pure nonsense.

For one example, think of the time from the American civil war to today. That’s roughly how long it will take from today for UK’s social housing wait list in its rural areas to clear at present levels of social housing construction.

Read more in Showhouse: Rural Housing Backlog Will Take 154 Years To Clear With Current Build Rates


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