Interior of a homeless shelter in Berlin in 1930, which offered emergency shelter for 2,000-3,000 men and women each night.
Men with drug addictions are a hard core of homelessness and shelter usage. This community social problem is so common that many prefer to tar everyone who is unhoused with this brush. “See that homeless person across the street? He’s a drunk or a druggie, count on it.”
But in many countries, you can’t count on it. Every day, around the world, more and more people who are homeless are more likely a victim of economic circumstance not substance abuse.
People who abuse substances while homeless are sometimes noticeable. Some are scary to others, including other people who are unhoused. Shelter use becomes less attractive if it means sharing space with people who are unpredictable and possibly violent.
Berlin in Germany has recently opened opened a year-round shelter called “Ohlauer 365.” It is designed to provide beds for the night as well as on-site specialized services to help people who use substances find constructive support.
Read more at New year-round emergency shelter for the homeless opened