What is the magic ingredient that has made Singapore’s public housing such a success, while around the world, so much of public housing has been branded either a flat-out failure, or at best an obsolete method of housing?
Like poor little match girls, other countries press their faces against the glass of Singapore City-State, marvelling at the government-built housing riches. How to break in, capture the essence of success and join Singapore in reaping those extraordinary rewards?
Just what does it take? A free market economy with a socialist compact between government and citizens? Naw, can’t be that. Those setups are a dime a dozen in Europe, if not North America (Ha! Not in your wildest dreams, commie-lovers!). And needless to say, few or none of these countries come close to enjoying the luxury of Singapore’s tenant-owned public housing success.
But is it possible that a world of out-in-the-cold peepers-in are gazing at all the wrong places to discover the secret formula of Singaporean success? Is the real truth quite literally underfoot?
Who runs Singapore’s public housing?
We’ll share the secret. It’s cats.
Read more about them in vice.com: Why Are Singaporeans Obsessed With Their Community Cats?