UK Social Housing, Not Ownership, Can End Private Rental Profiteering
Not all that long ago, renting a home on the free market was the essential penny-saving survival means in the UK. It was once cheaper and more readily available...
Ireland Subsidizes Middle Class Renters Away From Free Market
It is certainly hard these days, indeed increasingly impossible, for those with the lowest or no incomes to afford housing at all. Government subsidized housing, under many names such...
Council’s Affordable Housing Duplicity: You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide
So we're shining the sweat-inducing perp spotlight on some badly behaving city council. Which one, in which country?
Consider this a blanket indictment of too many municipal councils facing affordable...
Amsterdam To Plug Loopholes That Gobble Up Affordable Rental Housing
Build on surplus city land! It's an idea growing in popularity in different countries as a way of addressing the world-wide affordable housing crisis. That crisis reflects an ever-decreasing stock of...
Developers Discover ‘Missing Middle’ Housing Possible Without Subsidies
Thanks to housing industry lobbying, the affordable housing crisis that requires government subsidies has expanded upscale from traditional definitions of affordability. The gravy train of subsidies everywhere encompasses 'missing middle'...
What Is Affordable Housing? Brunswick, MD Tries To Solve A Problem It Can’t Define
In Frederick County, Maryland, the small town of Brunswick's attempts to solve an affordable housing crisis are a microcosm of a problem facing municipalities of many sizes in many...
The ‘Missing Middle’: Solving The Workforce Affordable Housing Riddle
There are circumstances in which it is easy to pity the 'missing middle.' The term 'workforce housing' is increasingly used to describe accommodation for those above-minimum wage workers in...
It’s All About Us: City Politicians/Experts Navel-Gaze The Future of Government Housing Support
An international movement to broaden the social and economic classes eligible for affordable housing support is gaining steam. Make housing affordable for everyone, not just those most in need!