Struggling To Get By In The United States? You’re Not Alone

Incomes aren't keeping up with the cost of living. This statement seems simple, but is it? For example: Don't people with low incomes have enough to live on...

Plugging The Ever-Deepening American Housing Sinkhole

Skip back a century and a quarter at least for the housing crises that plagued growing American cities in that era. These were manifest in the form of immigrant...

An Ingenious Way To Add To Ontario’s Supply Of Affordable Housing

If I said to you that thousands of deeply affordable homes could become available in Ontario through policy change, you might wonder if my head had come away from...

No More Little Boxes? Hong Kong Re-Thinks Its Housing Responsibility

In an annual race to the housing bottom, Canada generally (and Vancouver B.C specifically) has been anointed as proud losers. That's in world-wide competitions for cities demonstrating the least...

U.S. Social Housing: Been There, Done That. Do It Again, Better?

There's a new kid on the U.S. social housing block. Don't apologize if you find yourself frowning while noting that there are grey hairs trailing out from under its...

How Home Is Made – Voices From The Street

The article linked to this post is a good example of bringing the voice of lived experience to research. The research subjects in the study are young people who...

Outer Space To Inner Peace: Religions Tackle The Affordable Housing Crisis

Morning constitutionals at occur often and usually take place among houses in a leafy neighbourhood. A fair number of churches dapple this leafy neighbourhood, and many have not...

Health Issues Inspire Local Governments To Expand Housing Supply

Research in the United States has been connecting safe, stable affordable housing with health care. This post is the final in a short series about how the research is...

Forging The Path To More Public Housing In São Paulo, Brazil

The mayor of São Paulo, Brazil, says the city needs 400,000 additional rental homes. Faced with such a large shortage, residents have taken housing matters into their own hands....

Advancing, Promoting, Protecting Women’s Strengths In An Aging World

Are you an older woman? If so, this post, as well as the report it unveils, speaks directly to you. The words and experiences are those of our global...

Retrospective: How Australia Decided To Make New Buildings Accessible

The second in three-post series explores how we as humans come to grips with social issues. The series starts in Australia, where cost-benefit analysis has been applied to two...

Kill Faircloth Amendment To Recapture Social Housing Promise In America

Welcome to the Brave New World of a "Green New Deal' for housing. Over the last thirty-odd years two major English language nations have demonstrated effective ways to slowly squeeze...

Truly Affordable Social Housing, Paid For By The Free Market? Dream On

Why go to Australia via Canada in order to understand the USA's RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration program) — the social housing rescue initiative of Department of Housing and Urban...

Hate-on For Migrant Housing Undermines A Nation’s Future Health

Many countries in Far East are in a tizzy. The cause: their citizens are reluctant to have children. Public health incentives are being deployed everywhereAs one example, try: Waiting...

Will American Social Housing Die A Neoliberal Death Of A Thousand Cuts?

Neoliberal thought has changed the world for several decades of application by governments and industries. That change has ultimately not fulfilled its dreams, although many still continue to adhere...

Australian Human Right To Adequate Housing? Been There, Done That

A pressing question for Australia comes from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): "if housing was considered a human right, would it fix our housing crisis?" One disturbing possible answer may...

Shoplifting ‘Crisis’ Tied To Housing Prices, Poverty? Depends On Who You Ask

Creeping poverty that leaves people unhoused: does it contribute to a so-called shoplifting 'crisis' afflicting a number of countries? Or are we primarily looking at crime on the rise?...

Looking To The Past In Order To Guide Action In Today’s Housing Market

Can history help guide actions in the housing market today? A 2023 report by Thomas Shay Hill gives us a fine opportunity to find out.  Hill’s report is called...

UK Research Investigates The Ethics Of Tax Scrapping

Governments in the United Kingdom have been changing policies that affect the cost of housing for its residents. Changes of this kind always garner notice and opposition in the...

Basic Income And Public Opinions About Homelessness

A small project in Vancouver, BC, which gave a lump sum of $7,500 to people who were homeless, has caught the attention of The Guardian. The Guardian does not...

Does The Fear Of Being Duped Strangle Efforts To End Homelessness?

Tess Wilkinson-Ryan studies the psychology of legal decision-making at the University of Pennsylvania. Her work contributes to our understanding of our fear of being a taken for a fool....

Newfangled Universal Credit In The UK Currently Unhelpful In Protecting The Poor

Many countries have benefit payment schemes that help those with low or no income to survive. One might prefer to say 'survive and prosper,' but that seldom if ever...

Housing Rights Of People With Disabilities – Overlooked And Understudied

Jewelles Smith is based in British Columbia. She has deep knowledge of parenting with a disability, through personal experience, disability advocacy and research. In her doctoral research, Smith compares human...

Poor Canadians Will Wait Longer To Leave Poverty – Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada has just announced 2022 income data. It reports that Canada's poverty rate is lower than pre-pandemic levels and that Canada is on track to reach its 2030...

New Zealand Housing Adventures: From Kiwibuild Disaster To De-Zoning Heaven?

At the height of New Zealand's 2017 fever dream of 100,000 new housing units, we were perplexed. Us Canadians had duly noted that New Zealand lacked the resources to...

UK Doubts: Having Your Human Rights To Housing & Enjoying Them

Civil society groupsRead more about Civil Society in the World Economic Forum: Who and what is 'civil society?'  in the United Kingdom feel they have their finger on...

How Inflation Contributes To Canada’s Housing Crisis

Putting 'celebrating' and 'stalling housing prices' in the same phrase will probably ensure that people read at least a few pages of Generation Squeeze's new report: Celebrating Stalling Prices...

Why Evidence Should Be Part Of The Strategy To End Homelessness

David Park's book "The Fire In the Eye: A Historical Essay On The Nature and Meaning of Light" reviews the history of ideas, debates and thinking about what light...

Fatal Flaw In Point-in-time Homeless Counts?

What's the point-in-time count in your particular district? Conveniently, whatever it suits you to say it is. That's one possible answer to a necessarily haphazard, volunteer-rich process of lifting...

Bankers In The Boonies, Goat Farms In The City: A New Topsy-Turvy World?

Bankers in the Boonies? This writer first encountered it as a marry-in to the poor relations of a cottage-owning family. We got a snippet of holiday this year in...

UK Taxpayers Scammed! Overpaying For Services Supporting The Poor

Where does the gravy go that the scammers skim off the top of United Kingdom services to the poor? As a matter of fact, it can go to you,...

TV Made Us Do It: Obscene Housing Practices That Make It Unaffordable

A good way to think of property porn . . . property porn? Yes, property porn, known more formally as property pornography . . . is not to imagine...

Affordable Housing Brings Down Nearby Property Values, Doesn’t It?

Does living near affordable housing boost property values or lower them? Christina Stacy and Christopher Davis, who are based at the Urban Institute in the United States, reviewed existing...

The Rise Of The Land Economy. It’s Shaping Your Future

You are a young person who has done all the right things. You've got a good education and a job that pays well. You're living with your parents to...

Facing The Facts About Renting A Home In Canada – Part II is featuring two posts about housing for renters in Canada. The first post is about is a remarkable production by students from Ryerson University. This one is remarkable in...

Facing The Facts About Renting A Home In Canada – Part I

Housing prices are going up. Housing prices are going up. Housing prices are going up. Not very catchy, but certainly a consistent reprise in the media. Many of these...

Rent Control Unpacked

The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence has just published a report about rent control. The report reviews evidence published in academic journals and grey literatureFor a good discussion...

SA Homeless Network Holds ‘Stats SA’ Feet To The Fire

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), like all census organizations, is a passionate advocate for the importance of counting its citizens in as many ways possible. In the words of...

U.S. Mayors Take The Heat For Homelessness — Survey

Researchers at the Boston University Initiative on Cities have been interviewing U.S. mayors annually since 2014. This isn't your standard on-line survey. The team actually speaks to mayors. Although...

“Advanced Nation” Housing Policy: If It Doesn’t Work, Patch It. Can We Do Better?

Current housing policy frameworks in many westernized countries resemble hospitals stocked exclusively with multi-coloured bandaids. Last week's solution is now this week's problem? Rip off the old plaster. Stick...

Post-Grenfell Fire Research – Effects Spread Throughout The Country

London's Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 was a tragedy not only for the residents, but also for a much larger portion of the population. An ongoing inquiry after the...

Australia’s Housing Policy Is Failing Its Citizens

Complimenting some recent posts about the housing crisis in AustraliaTry: Praiseworthy Australian COVID Response A Blip In Housing Financialization Focus and Domestic Violence Costs Australia: Social Housing Can Help...

Praiseworthy Australian COVID Response A Blip In National Housing Crisis

A recent study has been released by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS). It's the work of their Poverty and Inequality...

Realizing Housing Rights In Canada – Embarking On A New Journey

Bruce Porter, Executive Director of the Social Rights Advocacy Centre, works to improve the housing situation of people in Canada who live in poor conditions. Some of his work...

Inclusionary Housing Policies and International Connections

Miriam Maina is a researcher at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. She previously worked at the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa and is interested...

Homelessness As An Epidemic With A Computer-Predictable Course

Virtually all nations are still struggling with attempting to chart the rise and fall of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has produced an unprecedented display of graphic peaks and valleys....

Housing: Mind Your Own Business, Or . . . Everyone’s Infrastructure?

Infrastructure? The notion was born out of not-to-be-ignored community health needs such as clean water to prevent epidemics. It expanded to include business needs (safe highways to transport goods...

Can Lackadaisical California Fix Homelessness Without New Housing?

Why is California's lackadaisical approach to homelessness worth a worry to other jurisdictions as well as its own? Many other cities in North American and elsewhere have bumbled into the...

Government Policies Create Winners & Losers In Housing Markets

How did homelessness sprout and then grow and grow? Why are tenants living in substandard housing, or paying unaffordable rents, or both? Why does a commitment to adequate housing...

The Brookings Institute Compares Rental Housing Strategies Around the World

The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has played havoc with that nation's housing, as it has in most, if not all, other countries in the world. This is...

“Big Tent” US Infrastructure Proposals: Catching Up With Modern Reality?

For the past few decades in America, "small government" policies have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans. In particular, the name of the game has been to shrink...

London, Ontario Looks To Expand Its Residential Licensing Program

London, Ontario currently licenses student accommodation and smaller private rental buildings. The City's Council recently debated whether to expand its licensing system to include rental apartments and townhouses. The...

Australia Human Right to Housing: A Practical Step Forward? Or Lipstick On A Pig?

If to no one else in the world, Australia's struggle with the notion of a Human Right To Housing should be of interest to Americans. Alas, the well-housed authors...

Rent Control Studies Under Scrutiny

Ken Gibb and Alex Marsh are investigating the academic literature about rent controls. It seems there hasn't been a comprehensive review for 20 years. The final report will be...

Updated – Minimum Wage Hikes Can’t Touch Affordable Housing Crises

Recently, we described an initiative in New York state to assess the impact of raising the minimum wage. The people who crunched the numbers reported that adding $2.00 or...

The OECD Recommends More Social Housing. It’s A Global Need

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has just issued a policy brief about affordable housing. It begins with an 20 year overview of trends in housing affordability....

COVID-19: Improving Housing Conditions To Fight COVID Infection

An international group of researchers has pulled together a list of the actions that have been taken to help protect people from being infected by COVID-19. All of the...

Biden-Harris: Timely Dawn Of A New Day For Public Housing? Unlikely

For young progressives in America expecting great change from the replacement of a Republican President by a Democratic one, don't hold your breath while counting on the arrival of...

Long View Reasons To Build Public Housing Now

A new book, "Housing Policy In Australia" calls for a national housing program and building more social housing. This is a direction the current government has stubbornly resisted. The authors...

A Study, Not Just Speculation, Links Poverty In Maryland To COVID Infection

A constant theme of pandemic reporting worldwide has been the greater number of COVID-19 cases in poorer neighbourhoods, compared to those which may be close by, but at least...

Boston Supports Affordable Housing Access By Supporting Affordable Food

The necessities of life come in silos.  A buyer of accommodation cannot expect to find a juicy bargain in the auto parts market. Even the poorest must compete for...

Rentierization: Landlords & Speculators With Their Foot On The Gas Burning Your Dollars

What exactly is "rentierization" (aside from being this year's Grand Loser in the catchy word creation contest)? An newly-published study by the University of Sydney and the University College London...

How Deregulation Saved Screwed New Zealand’s Homebuilding Industry

You're not by any chance associated with a city council currently vulnerable to seduction by a housing industry solution to end all housing crises? Surely you've heard the battle cry:...

Millions of Europeans Suffering Common Affordable Housing Crises

The following article provides readers with an insight into the current state of national housing crises across Europe. For largely unilingual North Americans, the article is a window into a lot...

Rent Controls — Panacea Or Pariah?

Some governments are introducing rent controls as a response to the housing crisis. This is a hotly contested measure. Landlords and developers say rent controls discourage adding stock to...

Could Reviled Public Housing Beat Current National Affordability Programs?

Useful articles on the subject of public housing have been a rarity in mainstream American publications. "Not in our lifetime," has been a characterization of a date when the...

US Housing Vouchers Don’t Work. Time To Turn Back the Clock For A Better Idea?

The following article begins with a personal adventure in attempting to utilize a Housing Choice (Section 8) voucher in order to rent an apartment. These vouchers were created in...

Minimum Wage Hikes Can’t Touch Affordable Housing Crises

These days, a class of experts we'd like to call "People With Another Great Idea" have been pleased to point out that while housing costs are largely fixed, incomes...

How To Be Wrong-Headed About The Right Kind Of Affordable Housing Assistance

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brewster Twillingate-Smithers III, but I will not rent one of my apartments to you because your income is zero, not withstanding your weekly million-dollar subsidy from the family trust."

Charlotte, NC Explores The Other Side Of The Affordable Housing Coin

In a free market, affordability is transactional. It makes sense only if there are two sides to the transaction. A seller's price (fixed) is only affordable if a purchaser's...

Will Canada-wide Public Housing Wait Times Prod More Construction?

Too much to expect, we assume, for Canada to announce the arrival of a huge burst of actual housing on National Housing Day. Maybe some kind of national surprise...

Canada’s Federal Housing Initiative: Dancing Booties On Feet Of Clay

Faced with country-wide housing crises like much of the world, two years ago Canada claimed it was at last standing up to be counted, after decades of little or...

Is An Oregon Park Upkeep Proposal Really An Attack on Affordable Housing?

Leaf-shaded walks, flower beds in profusion, well stocked duck ponds: how does such an admirably eco-minded beautification plan get affordable housing activists calling 'fowl?' The answer lies in a proposed...

Philadephia Wants Affordable Housing ‘No Sale’ Except For Non-Profits

Housing investors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who've been taking the slow boat to free market profits may soon find themselves diverted onto an unwanted around-the-world cruise by city council. The slow...

Inter-Governmental Wrangling: A True Menace To Affordable Housing?

From the Right: eliminate onerous government regulations and the free market will build us all out of affordable housing crises, providing the necessary housing for ownership by the "workforce,"...

British Council Housing, Born 100 Years Ago. Success? Failure? Somewhere In Between

Governments are vital agents of social and economic change, not foot-dragging deep state bureaucracies committed to interfering with visionary private enterprise. Really? Mariana Mazzucato, an American economist, has earned growing international...

Kudos To Chicago’s Striking Teachers. They Broke The Law To Kick Social Ass

Chicago teachers settled their recent strike in part by ignoring their legal requirement to bargain only for wages and hours and other strictly technical issues related to their employment...

Harvesting Humans For Profit In The UK

One of the currently most successful human harvesting activities in free enterprise societies can be found in the United States — private jailing. Because the collection and control of humans...

Oopsy: Outdated U.S. Law Funnels Loans For Poor To Help Gentrify Houses Instead

In order to discourage the banking practice of redliningTry: Redlining: What Was It? And We Should Be Asking ‘What Is It?’ Because It’s Still With Us, And It’s Bad,...

England Housing Remains At Risk As Govt Heel-Drags On Revised Safety Regs

Outdated Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations have been identified as the culprit in the widespread corner-cutting of high rise construction that led to the tragic Grenfell Tower FireTry:...

Permanently Temporary: Sure Sign That Homelessness Solutions Are Becoming Part Of The Problem

Cities in more advanced countries have made do for decades with handfuls of emergency shelters for the homeless, their number expanding in the winters of harsher climates. In many...

Chicago Unaffordable But Union Must Talk Only Wages & Benefits. Teachers Disagree

Only a month or so away from the 100th anniversary of the journal edition pictured above, it's worth scanning the column of articles featured within it. The final one?...

Indigenous Housing Providers: A Source Of Strength For Affordable Housing

The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) has just released a report about non-profit affordable housing that is provided and operated by indigenous organizations. The housing is spread across...

The Really Grand, Super Exciting Canadian Housing Strategy Currently Leaking Hot Air

In 2017, the Liberal Government in Canada announced a comprehensive new Canadian Housing Strategy, designed apparently to bring the Canadian government back into the housing game after years of...

Affordable Housing Crisis Spin-Doctors Deliver A Faulty Prescription

Let's take the following media declaration at face value: "4 Out Of 5 Americans say there is a housing affordability crisis." Based on a sample of 20,000 people that's...

America’s Non-Housing Crisis Spreads To Infect The United Kingdom

Recently, America has produced a couple of entertaining "There Is No Housing Crisis" stories, one from the left and one from the right. On the left, a Mother Jones article...

Housing Crisis? Who Cares In The UK? Apparently The People But Not The Politicians

During the 2016 American pre-election campaigns we noted that affordable housing was an 'elephant in the room' — something that politicians were presumably aware of, but nobody was discussing.See:...

Affordable. Unaffordable. A Tale of Two City States, Singapore & Hong Kong

City states have a unique advantage over cities that exist within a hierarchy of governments, where they seem to inevitably occupy a position of authority towards the bottom. City states...

World Population Bubble Burst: Who Will Be Left Holding The Empty Housing Bag?

In terms of birth rate, the world's population may already be falling. Declining world population statistics are to some degree masked by the ongoing increase in longevity of those...

Why Canada’s Rental Housing Market Should Be An Issue In The Federal Election

The CBC recently reported that the high cost of living will be biggest issue for Canadians leading up to the federal election which is scheduled for later this year....

‘Schoolboy Economics’ Wrongly Validate A Housing Non-Crisis In The UK

We've seen several articles recently that address a conspiracy-theory notion of an affordable housing 'crisis'. Note in the previous sentence how the quote marks around affordable housing 'crisis' tend...

Non-Market Permanent Affordable Housing: Practical Solution Or Pipe Dream?

People with very low incomes face big hurdles when it comes to affording housing. With minimal resources, they have limited housing options and little control over their housing in...

Institutionalizing Homelessness: Bangor, Maine, Hands Out Tents

On one hand "Make India Great" is coming close to providing true housing for an entire population of one and a third billion over a span of 7 years.Try:...

American East Coast Liberalism, A Dogma For Preaching, Not Practice

Let's take a most 'Christian' (supposedly charitable) interpretation of a certainly-Christian teaching: 'Ye shall know them by their deeds.' (Mathew 7:16). Use it as a lens with which to...

Affordable Housing Dance Of The Seven Veils: Canadian National Edition?

Finally! Over the past few decades it has seemed that when it comes to housing, the Canadian federal government was hiding in bed with the covers over their head. Then...

Lefties Brainwash Governments With Outrageous Fallacy: Non-Profits Build Better

From Self-aggrandizement via Red Herrings To Fake News, a Forbes commentator solves our unaffordable housing crisis by snorting his way through a Niagara Falls of information to discover that...

Housing Co-Operatives: What Are They And What Are They Good For?

What Are Housing Co-operatives? When you start to look into housing co-operatives, you might be struck more by their diversity than what they share. Their contribution to a country's housing...

Sidewalk Labs’ Proposal For Affordable Housing On Toronto’s Waterfront

Earlier this week, Sidewalk Labs released its long awaited proposal to develop a site on Toronto's Waterfront. It's called Toronto Tomorrow. There are proposals in for affordable housing, so...

Just In Time For Canada Day

Very happy to report that Canadians now do enjoy a human right to adequate housing. The campaign, which has been faithfully covering, ended when the National Housing Strategy Act received Royal assent.

Council’s Affordable Housing Duplicity: You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

So we're shining the sweat-inducing perp spotlight on some badly behaving city council. Which one, in which country? Consider this a blanket indictment of too many municipal councils facing affordable...